Itís very important for us to give you some tools that will help you to make a wager, like this glossary; here you can find very important words and their definitions to help you.
ACTION POINTS In an action point wager the customer is going to get paid for every point the chosen team covers the point spread or, is going to be charge for every point the chosen team doesn't cover, plus an additional 10%. --Note: Action points can only be played on football and basketball for complete games-- The customer chooses the amount for each point. Also, the customer has to set a point cap. That is, the maximum points the customer is going to get pay or charge for. The point cap goes from 10 to 50 points.
ATS Against the spread
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BAD BEAT Tough loss
BOOKIE Person who takes bets from the clients.
BOX †A combination bet where by all possible numeric combinations are covered
B.R. Bankroll
BUCK A $100 wager.
BUYING POINTS (From 1/2 to 10pts) The customers can buy points to their advantage only in football and basketball for the complete game whenever doing point spreads. Points can be bought on the side or on the total. NOTE: In football, when buying of or onto a 3 point spread there is an extra 10% charge on the juice. "Current line is Raiders -3.5, buying 0.5 point will make the Raiders -3, for that you have to lay -120 plus an extra 10% charge, so picking Raiders -3 buying a 0.5 point it is going to cost $130 to win $100, this is because its the same as a field goal".
CALL BET A bet made verbally.
CANADIAN LINE This is a combination point spread line and money line.
CHALK A favorite.
CHALK PLAYER/OR CHALK EATER Someone who usually plays the favorite teams, rarely betting on the underdogs.
CHURN The effect of betting and rebetting money
CIRCLE GAME A game in which the betting action is limited; usually occurs in games that feature key injuries, inclement weather, or unsubstantiated rumors regarding a team. Sometimes stated, "This is a circle game."
COVER To win the game by the required number of points; if such occurs you have "covered the spread". In case of playing the underdog to lose by less than the spread.
D. C. Defensive Coordinator of a football team