Trying to help you with some betting words here you can found some very importat words that will make you easiest to enjoy all casino games.
ACTION The amount of money wagered by a player during an entire playing session.
ANCHOR MAN The player betting on the last box on the blackjack table and making the final decision, therefore anchoring the game Wild-Tornado-Australia.com.
ANTE Usually in poker, a term used for the first money wagered on a hand.
ANY CRAPS A one-roll dice bet covering the 2, 3, or 12.
ANY SEVEN A one-roll dice bet covering any 7.
AUDITION A casino test to determine if a dealer will be hired. Can be conducted on a live game.
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BACCARAT A card game where the winning hand totals closest to 9 discounting all units of 10. Originating from the game, Chemin de Fer.
BACK LINE See Don. t Pass Line.
BAG An English casino term for thousand, e.g., 5 bag = 5 thousand.
BANKROLL The amount of money a player has for one gaming session.
BAR THE 12 Makes the 12 a push on the Don. t Pass Bar.
BASE Area on the dice table where the majority of bets are made and paid.
BASE DEALER Dice dealer in charge of one of the bases.
BASIC STRATEGY The mathematically correct way to play blackjack.
BETTING LIMITS The minimum and maximum that can be wagered on one bet.
BETTING RIGHT Betting on the Pass Line or with the shooter.
BETTING WRONG Betting on the Don. t Pass or against the shooter.
BLACKJACK A card game where players try to beat the dealer by getting closest to 21 without going over.
BOX Area of the dice table controlled by the boxman.
BREAK To exceed 21.
BURN CARD Any card placed in the discard rack without being entered into play.
BUST To go over 21. CARD COUNTING A system to keep track of the percentage of high cards to low cards. Used in blackjack to gain an advantage over the house.
CARIBEAN STUD A five-card poker game with all players playing against the house.
CHANGE COLOR Exchange one-color denomination casino chip for another. All denomination casino chips are different colors.
CHIPS Name given to the tokens used at the gaming tables.
CHECK Name given to the tokens used at the gaming tables.
COLOR UP/OUT Exchange smaller denomination chips for larger denomination chips.
COME BET A wager placed on the Come Line. Same as rules as the Pass Line, but placed after the point has been established.
COME LINE Area on the craps table where Come Bets are placed.